Academic Programs

Organizational Leadership

Earn your Master’s degree 100% online.

What defines a good leader? What can you do to transform yourself into an effective leader of change? Our Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Organizational Leadership will help you answer those very questions and prepare you to be an effective, influential leader.

The MPS degree is designed to enhance career opportunities and enable students to develop foundations in ethical leadership, communication, research and management.

Note: Depending on your work experience, you may receive up to nine life-learning credits toward your master’s degree.

Program offered


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Concentrations in this Major

Organizational Development 

The Organizational Development concentration prepares professionals to attain advanced leadership positions in their field. This program examines organizations through the lens of both psychological and sociological theory infusing the classroom with a dynamic, hands-on approach to problem solving in today’s business world. This concentration conveys a wide range of concepts, practices and principles regarding organizational systems, performance assessments, structural effectiveness and organizational design. Each course focuses on real-world skills and projects relevant to the students’ professions.


Leadership Power and Service
Perspectives of Ethics and Leadership
Leadership Communication
Applied Research for Professionals
Strategic Leadership and Planning
Applied Research Capstone in Professional Studies
Capstone in Professional Studies
Organizational Psychology
Organizational Development and Change
Organizations and Sustainability
Conflict Management


Careers you can pursue

  • Upper-Level Manager
  • Organizational Development Specialist
  • Management Analyst
  • Financial Advisor/Consultant
  • Risk Analyst
  • Corporate Financial Leader
  • Business Owner

You will succeed if you are...

  • Leadership experience or ability
  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Open-minded
  • Good Communicator
  • Career-focused
  • Lifelong Learner
  • Motivator


88.1% of our graduates were employed in their chosen field or continuing their education within one year of graduation.

* Based on graduates whom we have information during a one-year period from 2022-23. It should be noted that 98.1% of graduates were employed in some capcity or continuing their education.

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