One Night Only!Capital BlueCross Theatre at Central Penn College presents: IN THE MEANTIME, a theatre showcase on the theme of Discovery June 11 at 7:30 pm—FREE—One Hour Show Comedy, Drama, Singing, Music, Storytelling Entertainers: CPC students, alum, and staff + community stars. Join Us At:
Category Archives: Community Events
Round Table Talks: Retooling & the Career Pivot
“Essential worker” is a term that has been redefined this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic and uncertain economic environment. Many people quickly learned if they were essential to their place of employment. Unemployment numbers are at a record high and have disrupted our workforce. This might be the time that you think about changing your career. …
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Job Hunting Success During the Pandemic
Join us during your lunch break on Wednesday, May 6 from 12:30 – 1:00 p.m. for this live virtual Blackboard Collaborate session. Kelly Thompson from JFC Staffing Companies will be discussing what the job market and job search might look like in the next 6 months and what JFC Staffing will be doing to adjust to the new environment. Kelly …
49th Annual Central Penn College Golf Open
It’s tee time! The Central Penn College Education Foundation‘s Golf Open takes place annually at beautiful Rich Valley Golf Course in Mechanicsburg. This is the only annual fundraising event hosted by the Education Foundation to raise scholarship dollars for students to allow the college and the foundation to further our missions. Our golf open is quite popular and each year …
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West Shore Chamber Mixer
Central Penn College is hosting a West Shore Chamber Mixer on February 26 from 5-7 p.m. It will be a great opportunity to reconnect with old friends… make some new ones… and put some fun into your February. The event is free and open to alumni, faculty, staff, friends of the college, Chamber members and …
Central Penn College’s sixth student-devised theatre production Directed by Janet Bixler Using their lived experiences and imaginations to create an original play, student-actors ask the audience to join them in their game of hide and seek. The actors wonder, “Where are you hidden in our stories?”
Central Penn College’s sixth student-devised theatre production Directed by Janet Bixler Using their lived experiences and imaginations to create an original play, student-actors ask the audience to join them in their game of hide and seek. The actors wonder, “Where are you hidden in our stories?”
Central Penn College’s sixth student-devised theatre production Directed by Janet Bixler Using their lived experiences and imaginations to create an original play, student-actors ask the audience to join them in their game of hide and seek. The actors wonder, “Where are you hidden in our stories?”
Internship Fair
Up to 40 employers attend the internship fair each year to recruit students for their internship opportunities. Nonprofit organizations, government agencies and companies large and small attend this event.
Business Partner of the Year Virtual Event
YOU ARE INVITED to join us for our 16th annual Business Partner of the Year event on Wednesday, September 2, 2020. This year’s event will be held virtually on Zoom due to the pandemic and Central Penn’s summer classes being fully online. We will be recognizing an organization that has gone above and beyond in …
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