Wrap up Homecoming Weekend with a hot buffet breakfast complete with (root beer) kegs!
Category Archives: Student Events
Zumba with Adrienne
Perfect For Everybody and every body! Each Zumba® class mixes low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party.
Pancakes with the President
President Linda Fedrizzi-Williams will be in the ATEC Lobby to welcome students with delicious, freshly made pancakes!
Lunchtime BINGO
Take a break between classes, and try to luck at a winning a gift card or other assorted prizes!
Field of Screams
A Horrifying Haunted Hayride, Two Massive Haunted Houses, and Wicked Haunted Woods make Field of Screams America’s #1 Haunted Attraction.
Fall Club Fair
Get to know our campus club leaders and get involved at Central Penn College!
Toy Story 4 – Family Flicks Series
In the 2019 sequel, Toy Story 4, Woody, Buzz and their toy friends enjoy newfound appreciation and adventures living with their new owner Bonnie. Toy Story 4 features the voice talents of Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Annie Potts, Keegan-Michael Key, Jordan Peele, Madeleine McGraw, Christina Hendricks and Keanu Reeves. This event will take place in the Capital …
Jose Sarduy – Comedian
In 2011, Jose Sarduy was the winner of the Rocky Mountain Laugh Off in Salt Lake City, Utah. He’s been seen on CNN, CBS, Fox and NUVO TV’s Comedy Unfiltered, with Anjelah Johnson. He was the co-host of NUVO TV’s Stand Up and Deliver, which aired for three seasons. He appeared on Fox TV’s Laughs in 2015–16 as both a …
“MacJingle All The Way” an Elf Mafia murder mystery dinner
The Capital BlueCross Theatre at Central Penn College presents: MacJingle All The Way An Elf Mafia Murder Mystery Dinner | An Oxymoron Production Come stressed and leave merry at this light hearted Murder Mystery Dinner. Forget about cooking and join us as we witness the behind the scene story of the MacJingle’s. Over the centuries, …
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Campus Creek Clean-up
The annual Central Penn “creek cleanup” is scheduled for the Summerdale campus on Saturday, Oct. 12, from 10 a.m. – noon.