First Year Experience at Central Penn College
The mission of Central Penn College’s First Year Experience Office is to make connections for students with their peers, faculty and staff, and to support retention during students’ first 3 terms.

New Student Orientation
A week before the term begins, all students join in either the AM or PM virtual NSO: An Introduction to Central Penn College w/an official Welcome, Student Services Panel, Student Engagement, and Blackboard/CPC App/Textbook success strategies.
During week one of the term, new students meet with their academic program directors for a Q & A to best prepare for the successful completion of the student’s chosen academic program.
Also, during week one, FYE partners with Student Engagement and the Office of Advancement to host a Welcome Party!

Claiming the Castle
We are the Knights. Knights live in and protect castles. When we CLAIM something, we value it and take ownership over it. It is our goal for each housing student to value their suite, room, personal boundaries, and the people they share space with, and thus to own the responsibility to make Suite-Life sweeter!

First Year Experience Study Halls
All in-season athletes in their 1st, 2nd , 3rd term meet with the Director of First Year Experience to increase community between their teammates and the learning center while developing a heightened sense of accountability toward their academic responsibilities, their athletic pursuits, and their teams’ vision for a winning season.

Knight Enrichment
Coming to a classroom near you…First Year Experience and the Student Success and Advising Center have teamed up to provide special interactive lessons and activities. These presentations highlight specific academic strategies or emotional intelligence techniques to enhance the first-year students’ connection to their higher education goals.

Knights at the Roundtable
Chat and Connect with the President of Central Penn College! This is a great opportunity to learn why Dr. Linda Fedrizzi-Williams is the Perfect Fit to be YOUR college president. Come prepared to ask (almost) ANYTHING!
Student Testimonials
“Central Penn College has really helped me decide my major and has opened me with welcome arms. I feel like the college itself helps students succeed in life. A school that helps you, understands you, guides you and cares for you really does make a helpful difference. This is what got me through my first year and what is still getting me through. The relationships you build with not only your roommates but with your professors as well will tremendously help you as you also learn from them individually as a person. Communication and setting boundaries and expectations for yourself will not only help you succeed in college but also in the rest of your career and life.”
Julie Canales, Claiming the Castle participant Summer 2021