Future Opportunities & Careers for Unique Students
Central Penn College’s F.O.C.U.S. program was created as a community service to assist our high school partners. The presentations in this program are centered on educating and assisting students as they navigate their next steps after graduation.

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” Who hasn’t heard that line before? It’s a question that can be difficult to answer for students, as they make the transition from high school to the next phase in their life. College, military, workforce… We will talk about the benefits of choosing your career path and how to reach those goals effectively and efficiently. We will touch on topics, such as interview skills, dressing for success and job shadowing.
Intended Audience: High School Juniors and Seniors

Making decisions about life after high school is tough! How do you narrow down your choices? What’s the best way to get started? How do you find a path? During this interactive presentation, we will cover topics, including: Post-Secondary options, preparing for the future, utilizing unique skills and many more.
Intended Audience: High School Juniors and Seniors

Learning to build your professional skills and etiquette can begin now! Your manners in the workplace and classroom, as well as on social media, will have a direct impact on how others perceive you. What should I wear to work or school? How do I organize my workspace? How can I learn to better communicate with others? How can my social media impact my future? Learn some of the do’s and don’ts that can help you be successful as you continue to grow and learn.
Intended Audience: High School Students – All Ages

Since 1881, Central Penn College has been a leader in delivering career-focused education to students in Pennsylvania and beyond. With locations in Summerdale and Lancaster, the college offers associate, bachelor’s and master’s degrees and certificate programs in a variety of professional fields. Central Penn College is known for its caring, expert faculty… welcoming atmosphere… accelerated 11-week terms… small class sizes… and preparing students to be workforce-ready when they graduate and enter their chosen profession. This presentation will discuss Central Penn College from an admissions perspective.
Intended Audience: Guidance Counselors, High School Students, Parents of High School studen