Central Penn College Women’s Soccer Team Collects Sneakers and Cleats for the Needy

The women’s soccer team at Central Penn College is putting themselves in other people’s shoes, as they embark upon a mission to help their neighbors in need, from the feet on up.
They invite midstaters to clean out their old, unloved sneakers and cleats, and donate them to Central Penn College’s charitable collection for children and adults in need.
The team and coaches are collecting good-condition shoes in person on four days this month.
Drop-off hours are from 12 noon to 1 p.m. on
- Tuesday, April 18
- Thursday, April 20
- Tuesday, April 25 and
- Thursday, April 27.
Donation baskets are also available for contributions at any time during the month of April in the lobby of the college’s ATEC Building, the flagship building located at the corner of Valley Road and B Street in Summerdale, Pa. Collection baskets are also located in Milano and Bollinger Halls on campus.
The sneak-and-cleat collection is being conducted in partnership with Lexa Sport’s Shoe-in-lieu, a charitable and fundraising endeavor that accepts tennis shoes, sneakers and soccer cleats with no rips, holes, or tears and donates them to athletes in need around the world, so the shoes can be given a second life, and athletes of all ages can build their skills and character.
The women’s soccer team is coached by Rudy Grubesky, the 2016 “Coach of the Year,” for the Girls’ East Region (from the United Soccer Coaches), along with assistant coaches Caitlin Brownley and Amanda Knaub.