How to stay sane and be productive while working from home
Liane Hrivnak from Central Penn College’s Student Services department has provided some tips for staying sane and being productive while working from home.
- Schedule breaks and downtime during the day.
- Unplug entirely. Schedule a time to unplug––maybe it’s the weekend or a few hours every night.
- Get out of the house. Take a drive or a hike.
- Go outside. Take the dog for a walk.
- Communicate with your loved ones in your household. Be clear with everyone in your home about when you are working and what they can expect.
- Carve out a dedicated workspace.
- “Go to work”–– helps with productivity. Try to stick to what your routine was before COVID-19. Get up close to the same time and dress the part (don’t work in pajamas all day).
- Set boundaries for yourself. Know when to get up from your computer and call it a day.
- Avoid isolation. FaceTime a family member or have a Zoom happy hour with friends.
- Stay heathy. Stretch out a lot before, during or after you work. Exercise–– walks outside or workout videos or Zoom workouts. Try to keep your diet healthy.
- Embrace unexpected dividends from having to work at home. You may get more sleep, get to listen to your own music all day or cuddle with your pet.