Incomes and outcomes with Accounting Professor Susan Snyder

Assistant Professor of Accounting Susan Snyder can catalog assets and liabilities with razor-sharp precision, but she readily admits that her chief assets lie in her family and her teaching.
She said she felt like she finally made it professionally when she started teaching in the year 2000.
“I have such a passion for teaching and get so much enjoyment watching my students learn and grow and develop a love of their profession,” she said.
After earning her B.S. in Accounting from Bloomsburg University and her M.S. in Accounting from Strayer University, she worked in the accounting field for 10 years before becoming an accounting educator and applying real-world experiences to the campus and classroom.
She rapidly emerged as a college leader. Some of the Central Penn committees she has served on include the Student Success, Scholarship Selection, Grievance, Investment/401K, Academic Policy, and Faculty Senate Nominations Committees. She is also a member of the Distance Education Advisory Board at YTI Career Institute, and a judge at the annual Pennsylvania FBLA competition.
She is also a mentor for young women through the Lancaster Chamber and is involved with the GoldHeart Golden Retriever Rescue, as a foster and a fundraiser.
Her favorite part of her field: forensic accounting, where accountants use their analytical and accounting skills to investigate the financial transactions of a business or person in order to determine fraud or embezzlement.
From a teaching standpoint, her favorite class to teach is Accounting II.
Her hobbies include reading, gardening, cooking, home improvement projects, and scent training with her dog, Birdie, along with spending quality time with her family and pets.
She is perhaps proudest of her daughter, Kelli, who is an RN in the pediatric ICU at Hershey Medical Center. Her mother and grandmother are her role models, who taught her that hard work and perseverance are the keys to success and self-worth.
Despite her extensive resume, Professor Snyder is not all business. She has an adventurous side as well that includes skydiving for her 40th birthday.
“It was terrifying and exhilarating,” she said. “The freefall was my favorite part. I had so much adrenaline that I didn’t sleep for three days afterward!”
Her favorite music includes classic rock and pop, and her favorite TV binges include The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Handmaid’s Tale, Yellowjackets, Succession, All Creatures Great and Small, and various cooking and home improvement shows.
Professor Snyder is respected by her colleagues and students alike as she brings meaning to the math and sound decision-making to dollars and cents.